
If Leak Detection Ltd could not detect the water leak, we will suggest the best options to help move forward to help solve the issue. Such options may be:

  • We may have confirmed the entry point in the building to enable replacing the pipeline or a part of it.
  • The survey may require a process of elimination. For example, “cut and cap’ off options to determine which direction the leak issue is.
  • Can provide contacts for direction drilling new installation of pipelines.
  • Provide underground utility locating before new pipeline installations or excavations (Sub Surface Detection Ltd).

Issues that may affect the outcome of our surveys

Volume or size of a water leak (measured over 1 minute, examples 10 Litres per minute, 1 Litres per minute, 500mL per minute, 50mL per minute). A small leak will have a low volume noise.

Noise pollution, if the survey is near a busy road of an industrial area, the survey may require an after-hours survey ( rates differ). However, it would be best to attempt during the daytime to determine pipeline position or site issues.

Other factors include:

  • Depth of pipeline.
  • Material/diameter of the pipeline.
  • Soil types.
  • Ground surface types such as concrete, asphalt, grass, etc.
  • Leakage within or near underground cavities or drainage networks (echoing).
  • Water pressure.

Sometimes there may be more than one water leak on the pipeline in which we are unable to confirm. In these circumstances, we will detect the most significant leak that needs to be repaired. Once full pressure is put into the pipeline again, we can locate the next leakage point with a new survey.

Tips before engaging Leak Detection Ltd.

If you have received a high water bill from Watercare or your local council, perform an easy test to ensure that the issue is yours. Go through the house and property to confirm that there are no running or dripping taps. Place a piece of toilet paper against the back of toilet bowls to check for moisture. Finally, check to see if your water meter is continuously running. If it is moving, take a reading of the volume over “one minute only” and record.

Water Leak Test: One Minute Only

Focusing on the red “mLs & Litre” digits on the far right-hand side of your water meter, time the movement over one minute only. For example,

  • Loss of 10 Litres per minute;
  • Loss of 1.5 Litres per minute;
  • Loss of 500 mLs per minute;
  • Loss of 80 mLs per minute.